IN OUR FAST-MOVING WORLD, photography helps us slow down and appreciate the moments in life. From the local nature park to a high school athletic event, life's beauty is there for those who want to see it.
Every time I raise the camera to my eye, I aim to capture life as it unfolds in front of me. Not just as it looked but as it felt and as I experienced it.
My passion began in high school when I learned how to use a 35mm camera. That first experience hooked me. I soon learned how to develop and print black-and-white film before moving on to developing color slide film and printing color enlargements in the darkroom.
Much as the technology I use has transitioned over the years, so has the breadth of my work.
I use various tools and techniques to capture my vision and share it with you. Outside of my photojournalism work, I use post-processing techniques to amplify and modify the images to enhance and communicate my eye to the world.